Low Calorie Junk Food Swaps
Friday, August 16, 2024
How to Make Healthy Low Calorie Junk Food Swaps
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Switch out Potato Chips for Veggie Chips
Potato chips are one of the most beloved junk food snacks. But unfortunately, they’re also one of the most unhealthy. A single serving of potato chips can be packed with more than 300 calories and 20 grams of fat. But don’t worry, you can still enjoy a crunchy snack without all the calories. Veggie chips are a great alternative to traditional potato chips. They’re made from sliced vegetables like kale, carrots, and beetroot that have been dehydrated and seasoned with a variety of flavors. They’re usually much lower in calories and fat than regular chips, and they’re packed with fiber and nutrients.
Go for Greek Yogurt Instead of Ice Cream
Ice cream is one of the most popular desserts, but it’s also one of the most unhealthy. A single scoop of ice cream can have more than 200 calories and 16 grams of fat. Instead of indulging in a high-calorie bowl of ice cream, why not switch it out for Greek yogurt? Greek yogurt has a creamy and thick texture, just like ice cream, but it’s much healthier. Greek yogurt is packed with probiotic bacteria, which is great for gut health, and it has much fewer calories and fat than ice cream. You can also add some fresh fruit and honey to make it even more delicious.
Choose Popcorn over Fried Snacks
Fried snacks like chips and fries are some of the most popular unhealthy junk foods. But did you know that popcorn is actually a much healthier alternative? Popcorn is a whole grain, so it contains more fiber and nutrients than fried snacks. It’s also lower in calories and fat. You can pop your own popcorn at home and season it with herbs and spices for a tasty and healthy snack. Or you can buy pre-popped popcorn in the store, just make sure to check the label for added sugars and fats.
Opt for Dark Chocolate over Milk Chocolate
Chocolate is one of the most crave-worthy junk food snacks. But if you’re looking for a healthier option, then dark chocolate is the way to go. Dark chocolate is made with lower amounts of sugar and fat than milk chocolate. It also has a higher concentration of cocoa, which means it contains more antioxidants and important minerals like iron and magnesium. You can find dark chocolate in most grocery stores, just make sure to check the label for added ingredients like sugar and dairy.
Switch out Fried Chicken for Baked Chicken
Fried chicken is a popular take-out food, but it’s not the healthiest choice. Fried chicken can be high in calories and fat, and it’s often cooked in unhealthy oils. Instead of fried chicken, why not opt for a healthier alternative like baked chicken? Baked chicken has much fewer calories and fat than fried chicken, and it’s still full of flavor. You can season it with herbs and spices and bake it in the oven for a delicious and nutritious meal.
Choose Baked Goods over Deep-Fried Treats
Deep-fried treats like doughnuts and tater tots are some of the most unhealthy junk foods. But you can still enjoy a sweet or savory treat without all the calories and fat. Baked goods like muffins, cookies, and cakes can be just as delicious as their deep-fried counterparts. Just make sure to check the labels for added sugars and fats. And try to opt for whole-grain ingredients when possible for an extra boost of fiber and nutrients.
Making healthier low calorie junk food swaps is a great way to satisfy your cravings without all the unhealthy calories and fat. With these easy swaps, you can enjoy your favorite snacks without sacrificing your health. So go ahead and indulge in some healthier alternatives and treat your body right!